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AKI (Acute kidney injury) presentation. Discusses the different types of AKI in the ICU setting, including incidence, risk factors, criteria, current research, and treatment options. Directed at the critical care nurse.

Nursing management of CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy). Directed at the critical care nurse, this lecture discusses standards of care and nursing management of the CRRT patients. Includes assessments and monitoring, communications with nephrology and correct management of fluid balance.

Modes of CRRT (continuous renal replacement therapy). Discusses the modes of CRRT therapy including the concepts of diffusion, convection, adsorption, and hemofiltration. Discusses the differences between CVVHD, CVVH, CVVHDF, SCUF, PIRRT, etc., including dosing strategies and current research.

Anticoagulation: In-depth look at ECMO anticoagulation, heparin, DTI’s, and complication management.

Cardiac Pathologies: Exploring ECMO in cardiac failures, myocardial infarction, and pregnancy-related complications.

CRRT in ECMO: Integrating CRRT with ECMO and its management outcomes.

Anticoagulation: In-depth look at ECMO anticoagulation, heparin, DTI’s, and complication management.

Cardiac Pathologies: Exploring ECMO in cardiac failures, myocardial infarction, and pregnancy-related complications.

CRRT in ECMO: Integrating CRRT with ECMO and its management outcomes.

Pharmacokinetics: Drug interactions in ECMO, dosing, and clearance effects.

Respiratory Failure: ARDS and VV ECMO criteria in respiratory failure management.

VA ECMO Management: Complete guide on VA ECMO, including cannulation and weaning techniques.

Patient Management on ECMO: VV ECMO initiation, fluid management, sedation, and physiotherapy.